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  • Writer's pictureJasmine La Faye

Sustainable Business Now: The Companies Shaping a Greener Future

Photo by Carl Newton (Unsplash)

In today's corporate world, sustainability has shifted from a nice-to-have to a must-have. 'Sustainable Business Now' stands at the forefront of this transformation, showcasing how leading companies are integrating sustainability into the very fabric of their operations. This platform isn't just about sharing success stories; it's a treasure trove of practical, actionable insights.

The platform covers a range of critical topics, from decarbonizing supply chains to promoting inclusive local development. It’s not just about the what and why of sustainability; it’s the how that's truly groundbreaking. Companies like Anglo American are pioneering social programs through their Collaborative Regional Development (CRD), while Natura leads the way in integrating sustainability into finance and decision-making with its Integrated Profit & Loss (IP&L) model.

Ørsted, an energy company, is showing the world how to achieve net-zero emissions across its entire value chain by 2040, a testament to the power of collaborative and innovative approaches to sustainability. Unilever is another key player, taking significant steps to ensure that everyone in their supply chain earns a living wage by 2030, tackling inequality at its core.

'Sustainable Business Now' goes beyond mere reporting; it's a dynamic platform that breathes life into the concept of sustainable business. It's a hub where business leaders, sustainability officers, and all those committed to a greener future can converge, learn, and be inspired.

As we look towards a future where the lines between business success and sustainability blur, 'Sustainable Business Now' is not just a resource but a compass, guiding businesses towards a path where profitability and planet-friendliness walk hand in hand.

Written by Jasmine La Faye Blandford

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